help me decide which CPU to buy please


Jul 30, 2016
my goal is 1440p/100+fps on AAA games. no streaming or workplace stuff.
my GPU will be either a 1080 TI or rtx 2080 (waiting the 2080 ships for accurate benchmarks)

i'm considering the r5 2600 or 2700 (maybe x?), because the i7 CPU's cost more, require a semi-expensive cooler and motherboard, and on the benchmarks i've checked the difference between the r5 and i7 CPU's are about 1-15 fps, and with the fps difference they both were above 100 fps anyways. with g-sync would i likely notice a 15 fps difference if it's above 100 fps still? is like $50-100 dollars more worth 15 more fps? i'm thinking probably not, but i guess it would be if it's a noticeable difference. i just can't test that because i'm on a 1080p tv with 60 hz refresh rate, and i assume the difference between 115 and 130 fps with g-sync is less than the difference between 60 and 45 fps without g-sync.

here are the components i am considering, but haven't bought yet:

any insight would be appreciated
If you aim for high fps, choose intel. If ryzen performed more than 100 fps in every game(and 100 fps is you wish) then you can go for ryzen. You will save money on cpu, mobo, cooler. You will also be able to upgrade to r5 3600/4600. If it was me, i would not pay 50-100 dollars for 15 fps, that is just not worth. Im not expert, but i hope i helped a bit!

I'm in the US, and the less i spend the better, but i have about $1600 to spend on just the CPU, GPU, PSU, memory, motherboard, and that's all i need to complete the build.

here are the components im considering buying:
i'm also saving some of my budget in case i want to buy the rtx 2080 for $800, but i'm waiting to decide for when it ships so i can find accurate benchmarks