Alright, here's the deal: I've been out of the PC-building business for a while now, so I'm a little rusty. At the most, I'm just really behind on the current best choices, deals, etc etc. Raw information below.
Approximate purchase date: Somewhere around May 10th - 11th
Budget: Preferably less than $2000, around $1700-ish being favored
Usage: Gaming, surfing the internet, watching movies
Parts not required: Monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers
Preferred websites: or
Parts preferences: No specific brands
Overclocking: Possibly, but most likely no more than a little
SLI/Crossfire: Maybe
Monitor resolution: 1680x1050
Mainly, I'm just looking for help on the processor, motherboard, and video card(s). I'm kinda leaning toward DDR3 and CI7 right now, but if by chance there's any better deals out there, I'd love to know.
Approximate purchase date: Somewhere around May 10th - 11th
Budget: Preferably less than $2000, around $1700-ish being favored
Usage: Gaming, surfing the internet, watching movies
Parts not required: Monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers
Preferred websites: or
Parts preferences: No specific brands
Overclocking: Possibly, but most likely no more than a little
SLI/Crossfire: Maybe
Monitor resolution: 1680x1050
Mainly, I'm just looking for help on the processor, motherboard, and video card(s). I'm kinda leaning toward DDR3 and CI7 right now, but if by chance there's any better deals out there, I'd love to know.