the 970A-G46 is for the FX 6300 he listed. The H67 is a completely different platform, for the intel CPU you listed, and won't work with the 970 board.
alright, If it were for gaming I would highly reconsider, though I would look at getting a GT 630 with GDDR5 memory, a much better card for your work over any DDR3 based GPU.
it is fine, it's still a 970 based chipset, which isn't really classified old. Only problem with MSI and that motherboard, is that you shall not overclock past 4.3/4.4Ghz, you can fry the vrm, not a good thing to happen.
the 970A-G46 is for the FX 6300 he listed. The H67 is a completely different platform, for the intel CPU you listed, and won't work with the 970 board.