Help me interpret Minidump from BSOD


Oct 6, 2014
Can someone help me understand this minidump file I created using driver verifier:

BSOD occurs when I try to play games.

Win7 is fully updated
Motherboard drivers are up to date
Have tried the previous graphics card driver and the most recent but same behavior
Updated Xbox controller driver but same BSOD

Thank You
most likely cause by the graphics overclocking software installed AODDriver2.sys. remove and see if you can reproduce the problem.
you got a bugcheck 50 in directx (attempt to read a bad address)

If you install the windows updates and it looks like they are ok, this will be a bug in the graphics hardware/drivers.
you have graphics overclocking software installed, AODDriver2.sys Tue Feb 11 03:06:52 2014
this could be a direct cause of the problem. I would uninstall the GPU overclocking software or underclock the GPU memory by 100 MHz and see if the system works better.

you could also get this failure if another driver corrupted the data stored in memory for the directx driver. (you would get a different bugcheck on...
most likely cause by the graphics overclocking software installed AODDriver2.sys. remove and see if you can reproduce the problem.
you got a bugcheck 50 in directx (attempt to read a bad address)

If you install the windows updates and it looks like they are ok, this will be a bug in the graphics hardware/drivers.
you have graphics overclocking software installed, AODDriver2.sys Tue Feb 11 03:06:52 2014
this could be a direct cause of the problem. I would uninstall the GPU overclocking software or underclock the GPU memory by 100 MHz and see if the system works better.

you could also get this failure if another driver corrupted the data stored in memory for the directx driver. (you would get a different bugcheck on each boot) ( AppleCharger.sys Mon Jan 10 01:57:29 2011 tends to get implicated in various problems- remove or update)
you could also get this failure if you BIOS settings for your memory timings were incorrect but you would get other failures also.
-memory address problems can also be caused by fluctuations in a power supply voltage
- memory address errors can also be caused by CPU overclocking. You do seem to be running 122Mhz over the max on your CPU. you might reduce your BIOS over clock and see if has an effect.