so, I've achieved a what I would call stable overclock of 3.6 Ghz (200FSB x 18 x 1.475vcore) (Stock is 200x14x1.325) on my gigabyte ma-770-ud3 (770NB 700SB) board. I know I can go higher, but the problem is I will get random restarts if I start to do anything that requires stress on the system for over a minute. I now have it at 212x17x1.425. that is stable and doesn't go over 45 Degrees C. (idle 29). The ones that fail do so at about 55°C for the CPU, 56 for the System CPU temp. I am not sure whether I need different RAM, different board, different voltage, or this is just as high as it will go. I assume it's not the latter. I can change voltages on my Northbridge, southbridge, and obviously ram as well. I have g.skill 4gb (2x2gb) Pc28500 at ddr800 (5-5-5-15.) 1066 was fine, but I wanted to be able to rule the RAM out as a source of the problem should the overclock fail. For me to achieve 1066 I had to up the voltage to 2.0 from 1.8. Where shall I go from here. vantage tends to conk out mid 2nd test on the failing oc's. Thanks for all your help guys.