
Aug 21, 2009
OK guys i need a lil help with over clocking..... Im new to it and i would like to learn how to.....

Here are my system specs.......

Gigabyte ma790xt-ud4p

Phenom 2 x4 955 3.2Ghz

4 gig of g-skill DDR3 memory at 1333Mhz

Sapphire 5870

320 W/D HDD

DL burner don't know the name of it came out of my gate way

Thermal take 550 psu with The Thermal take V9 case....

The issues when i do it....

Locks up....

Automatically restarts.....

I would like a lil help if u guys know how to do it? Well pass me some info:)

Thanks guys


Apr 1, 2009
OC in small steps. If you have a black edition CPU just raise your multiplier by 0,5 or 1, run some tests (OCCT, IntelBurnTest etc, just google cpu stress test) for a period of time, you don't have to test for hours in the first few steps. If your system holds, you can go a step further. Sometimes it will crash/give errors/shut down, then raise the voltage by 1 step (on your mobo that would be 0,025V) and try again until it is stable.

Also, ALWAYS keep an eye out on your temperatures. I suggest you do not let that Phenom II go too much over 50-55c. I also wouldn't recommend over 1.45V for 24/7 use.

When you get to higher clocks, say 3,7-3,8GHz stresstest for longer periods of time.

Do note that it's perfectly possible that your chip won't go past 3.6GHz on any voltage, but it's also possible to hit 4GHz with 1.45V. Keep trying but don't roast your CPU :)

If you're new at OC'ing I suggest you google some in depth guides because if you don't do it right you could destroy your expensive hardware.


Aug 21, 2009

wow thanks man... so all i do is increase the voltage to 1.45 and turn the multiplier up by 5 or 10? i will do that i ran prime 95 stocked for 12hrs streaight seemed stabled should i lower my multiplier on my ram to the lowest, The lowest is 800mhz i have it set to 1666mhs and the voltage set to 1.65?

Thanks for the help i really appreciate it