Help me overclock this config. Please peek inside


Oct 13, 2008
Hi ,
Ive had this setup for awhile and am intrested in overclocking my machine.

here are the breakdown.

Motherboard = ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe 939 NVIDIA nForce4 SLI X16

CPU = AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ Manchester 2.2GHz Socket 939

MEM = CORSAIR XMS 2GB (2 x 1GB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 438 (PC 3500) -3500LLPRO


Video = BFG 7800 GToc

I really need some help. I am kinda of a noob at ovclking.
Ive searched the forums and i just dont understand the mathmatical breakdown of A:b x c.ov ive read turtorals in the past but never really got it.

Thank you in advanced, and i appericate the help.
Hate to say it the stickies are where you start out, reread those and any other info you can find. It be quite rare to find someone who is willing to walk you through every single step to OC something. Not to mention that just spells trouble waiting to happen since OC'ing is a bit time consuming, and if something goes wrong and you can't get ahold of them you are SOL since you don't know what you did or how to fix it.

There is also the slight chance that someone may give you bad info and "accidently" tell you to overvolt your cpu and have you fry it. So it's a good idea to get an idea of whats going on before asking for help. That and it makes our job of helping you quite a bit easier. After all I don't think any of us really enjoyed those hour long phone calls some of us had to give on how to Copy and Paste something (hope you liked my analogy, and yes I had to give phone support to someone for that call in the past year)

Wish you luck on learning how to OC your CPU, I know it took me a month or 2 of solid research to finally grasp the idea on what everything is and how it works. Don't ask me how long it took me to learn everything I know on this, but it's in the hundreds of hours range at minium, but thats just because im a perfectionist when it comes to my computer's and I need to know everything before I do something. If you just wanted to know how to OC it, it probably take a few days to of research to really get a feel for it.

Places I recomend to do a little research
our OC stickies
OC forums/search on various OC's people have done, some people break it down step by step of what they done
Google, to find other useful sites
Wikipedia, for a quite idea of what a part or something does
wish I still had my bookmarks I had on all the OC websites I had saved to help you but I just deleted them a month or so ago
Thank you for responding.
Ive been messing around a bit, and am starting to get the gist of it, but there are a few options in my board that i cant find information about.

I have a couple of questions if someone has time.

What do these options do and when should i tweak them?

1. Adjust PEG Freq.

2. PEG Link Mode.

3. SB-NB OverCLK

4. DDR Clock Skew

5. Over Voltage? CPU , SB ,NB,

6. South Bridge and NotrhBridge.

Ive been using the ovr clk profiles and using cpuz and cross refrences the diffrences.

My 10% profile only gets me up to a 2.41 and i am tring to get to a 2.6, this mother board is more advanced than just my low level ovrclking skills.

thank you in advanced.