Hello. This is my build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/EliteKnightRamza/saved/nFkjXL
I need help selecting a Z270 motherboard for this build. There are very little reviews out so it's very difficult for me to make an informed choice myself. I do not need bells and whistles such as RGB lighting or anything like that. The only thing I care about is that the board has decent audio and has an easy to navigate bios that will allow me to overclock my CPU to 5.0 assuming I didn't get screwed by the silicon lottery. Function and performance over form is what I care about.
I was looking at the ASUS Prime line, the cheapest board of that line is the P version, the most expensive the A version. Any idea if cheaping out and getting the P version will be bad for what I want to do? Also feel free to recommend a different board or line of boards.
I need help selecting a Z270 motherboard for this build. There are very little reviews out so it's very difficult for me to make an informed choice myself. I do not need bells and whistles such as RGB lighting or anything like that. The only thing I care about is that the board has decent audio and has an easy to navigate bios that will allow me to overclock my CPU to 5.0 assuming I didn't get screwed by the silicon lottery. Function and performance over form is what I care about.
I was looking at the ASUS Prime line, the cheapest board of that line is the P version, the most expensive the A version. Any idea if cheaping out and getting the P version will be bad for what I want to do? Also feel free to recommend a different board or line of boards.