U ushawar Distinguished Nov 26, 2010 10 0 18,510 Nov 27, 2010 #1 Hello, I'm looking to replace my 3 year old computer. My budget is $1000 without a monitor. I'm want to run games like WoW, LoL,TF2 at high frames/sec and lightning quick load screens.
Hello, I'm looking to replace my 3 year old computer. My budget is $1000 without a monitor. I'm want to run games like WoW, LoL,TF2 at high frames/sec and lightning quick load screens.
U ushawar Distinguished Nov 26, 2010 10 0 18,510 Nov 27, 2010 #2 Is there a better deal than http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229188 Upvote 0 Downvote
henydiah Splendid Mar 23, 2009 5,999 2 27,815 Nov 27, 2010 #3 u can do it good luck Upvote 0 Downvote