Help me please?



Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.compaq (More info?)

I use copmaq p4 xp pro.
Neither o9f my 2 cd drives will work...I rebooted hoping p+p would
re-install...I fear my op system is corrupted....can I reinstall xp
pro over the top of the extg one without having to reinstall all my
devices, data etc....please help, as I am panicking , as I need to get
urgent work done...
Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.compaq (More info?)

Hmm, CD drives aren't really *installed* in windows. That is, they
don't need any special drivers other than the IDE controller drivers.
Plug and Play will not help you. If you can read your hard drive
contents (ie, the machine boots and loads windows) then your IDE
controller is obviously working.

If they are not being recognized, open your case and make sure all the
connections are secure. (IDE cable to both drives and to the
motherboard, as well as power connectors)

cK wrote:

> Hi,
> I use copmaq p4 xp pro.
> Neither o9f my 2 cd drives will work...I rebooted hoping p+p would
> re-install...I fear my op system is corrupted....can I reinstall xp
> pro over the top of the extg one without having to reinstall all my
> devices, data etc....please help, as I am panicking , as I need to get
> urgent work done...
> thanks,
> Jm
Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.compaq (More info?)

Might depend on which IDE controller they are connected to. If you are
using the standard Compaq cables they should be set to CS. Have you tried
connecting one to the same data cable as the HD?


"cK-Gunslinger" <> wrote in message
> Hmm, CD drives aren't really *installed* in windows. That is, they
> don't need any special drivers other than the IDE controller drivers.
> Plug and Play will not help you. If you can read your hard drive
> contents (ie, the machine boots and loads windows) then your IDE
> controller is obviously working.
> If they are not being recognized, open your case and make sure all the
> connections are secure. (IDE cable to both drives and to the
> motherboard, as well as power connectors)
> --
> cK
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I use copmaq p4 xp pro.
> > Neither o9f my 2 cd drives will work...I rebooted hoping p+p would
> > re-install...I fear my op system is corrupted....can I reinstall xp
> > pro over the top of the extg one without having to reinstall all my
> > devices, data etc....please help, as I am panicking , as I need to get
> > urgent work done...
> > thanks,
> > Jm
Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.compaq (More info?)

> Hi,
> I use copmaq p4 xp pro.
> Neither o9f my 2 cd drives will work...I rebooted hoping p+p would
> re-install...I fear my op system is corrupted....can I reinstall xp
> pro over the top of the extg one without having to reinstall all my
> devices, data etc....please help, as I am panicking , as I need to get
> urgent work done...
> thanks,
> Jm

I think no.

It worked for Win9X but actually with WinXP or Win2K an installation
over an old installation, don't recover old informations, but reset

I suggest you to backup your data (maybe with the ethernet cable and
another pc?) and, if u really need to have a quick solution, use the
QuickRestore CD to take back your pc to first day without having to
care about drivers and devices installation.

If u want to try, you can look on the Microsoft website, and download
the RECOVERY CONSOLE files for WinXP. After you will install it, so
your system will ask you to start in RC mode or Normal mode at startup,
without the needing of boot CD.

With Recovery Console you can recover a damaged system.

I hope this helped you. See ya!
Archived from groups: alt.sys.pc-clone.compaq (More info?)

I don't know whether you've solved the problem yet or not but the issue
is probably a software conflict. XP uses a scaled down version of
adaptec for burning, if you've installed a version of nero when you
added your new drive nero and adaptec are refusing to co-exist. NTI
does not have a problem with the XP adaptec but to solve your problem,
i believe it is as simple as uninstalling nero but I don't remember
exactly if this solves the entire problem. That would requuire getting
rid of the XP adaptec and then installing nero or something eq. The XP
version is really lame anyway so removing it is best. I'll try and post
again with more info when i can and or need to. Wrote:
> Hi,
> I use copmaq p4 xp pro.
> Neither o9f my 2 cd drives will work...I rebooted hoping p+p would
> re-install...I fear my op system is corrupted....can I reinstall xp
> pro over the top of the extg one without having to reinstall all my
> devices, data etc....please help, as I am panicking , as I need to get
> urgent work done...
> thanks,
> Jm
