Help me pls


Jun 10, 2015
I upgrade m y ram from 2gb 1333mhz to 4gb 1600mhz ram but now it give me the blue screen of death.My mobo is Asus p7h55-M
First, confirm that the memory is compatible with the system by checking the motherboard memory QVL here (assuming motherboard model is P7H55-M/USB3). And also check compatibility using the memory manufacturer website memory compatibility search function (if the manufacturer has one; but most memory manufacturers have memory compatibility search functions).

Note, if by chance the memory is NOT listed on compatible memory list(s), the memory may still be compatible anyway as not all memory combinations may have been tested (yet) with the motherboard.

Try clearing CMOS.
According to Kingston memory search and motherboard memory QVL, this module is not listed as being compatible with the P7H55-M motherboard.

But as mentioned previously, not necessarily all memory may have been tested with this motherboard, so the module may be compatible anyway.

And as mentioned previously, clear CMOS and try the module again.
Possible incompatible module, or faulty module, or maybe both?

Try the 4 GB Kingston DIMM in another computer (use friend or neighbor etc computer if necessary) that is known to be compatible with this Kingston memory (part number KVR16N11S8/4) to see if the DIMM works or not.
Just confirming that the new Kingston module is being used ONLY and NOT together with the old module?

If both modules are being used, remove the old module. Clear CMOS (again). Try again with the new Kingston module.

If only the new Kingston module is being used, then it may be incompatible. What CPU is being used?
OK. Try booting into BIOS, and set the DRAM Voltage to 1.55 V (Under Ai Tweaker menu). If still have problems increase this voltage to 1.60 V, and if there are still problems increase voltage to 1.65 V.

If continue having problems, then it is suspected the Kingston DIMM is incompatible (given that it has been replaced by another same module). In this case replace this module by another known compatible DIMM by using memory manufacturer memory search, and by referring to Asus P7H55-M motherboard memory QVL here.