Help me to choose Linux Distro to work alongside Windows 8.1


Sep 30, 2010
I want to install Linux alongside Windows 8.1 on this machine:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400
MB: Asrock P4Twins 1600
GPU: Radeon HD 7770.

Help me to choose between linux distros. I want decent, fast performing system. Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu or other system? And why?
Regular Ubuntu is a good place to start. Very easy to use for someone new to Linux. User interface has many bells/whistles.
Xubuntu and Lubuntu are similar but with a light weight interface.

Use the latest version 14.10.
You may need to disable secure boot in BIOS/UEFI.
If you want to mount your Windows NTFS partitions, be sure to disable the Windows "fast boot" hybrid hibernation/sleep.
Regular Ubuntu is a good place to start. Very easy to use for someone new to Linux. User interface has many bells/whistles.
Xubuntu and Lubuntu are similar but with a light weight interface.

Use the latest version 14.10.
You may need to disable secure boot in BIOS/UEFI.
If you want to mount your Windows NTFS partitions, be sure to disable the Windows "fast boot" hybrid hibernation/sleep.
I would recommend Ubuntu running as virtual machine. Ubuntu is hassle free and well supported. I recommend installing it as a virtual machine for three reasons. First two switch from one OS to the other is as simple as opening a windowed application. Second is file access. All your files can be stored on Windows (the host) and shared with the Ubuntu (the guest). Let's say you needed to to make a graph in gnuplot using Ubuntu. Once it is saved to the shared folded it can be instantly inserted in to an MS word document. Third is portability. you can copy or clone the Ubuntu guest virtual disk image and move it to which ever machine you want it on. I use virtual box. It works on all platforms Linux, windows, OSX but you are free to choose any VM software. I would say if plan to keep all you files on the Windows machine a 15Gb virtual disk is should be enough. Bigger can better but can be expanded later if you need to.
I think I will try Elementary OS, but I don't know, if it installs AMD Radeon 14.12 Omega Driver as Ubuntu does...
Does it has same update database for every program and drivers like Ubuntu, or kernel?
I bounce around different distro's from time to time and I always come back to Mint KDE. I have always had the best luck with everything working right out of the box with my hardware. KDE has become my favorite desktop environment too.