Help Me Upgrade


Sep 10, 2015
With Christmas and my birthday just passing, I've been wanting to upgrade some of my parts and now it's just a domino effect. Originally, I wanted to upgrade to a RX 470/480 but then I realized I needed a better CPU and also took into account my case size and motherboard. So I'd like to hear what parts you all think I should invest into and what I should keep from this current build. I usually just play LoL/CS:GO/Diablo3/WoW/etc.

Fill in the brackets with parts you think would work well together :)

Current Build
CPU- AMD Fx-4300 [{Suggestions?}]
RAM- PNY 8GB Black [{Suggestions?}]
GPU- Radeon HD 6700 [{MSI RX 470/480}]
MOBO- GIGABYTE GA-78LMT-USB3 [{Suggestions?}]
HDD- WD 1TB Blue
PSU- SoildGear 750W [Do I need a better PSU?]
Case- Cougar Spike Micro ATX [{Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case}]

Free programs like macrium reflect are able to clone/copy drives to migrate your OS to an ssd. As for which gpu to get, go for the higher Vram. I think the 480 has 8GB and matches well with freesync monitors. Crucial mx300 1TB model has a good price per GB for modern ssd's.

Depends on the price of parts. The case and a MSI 480 is 300 on newegg but I won't get that case if I don't have to. I'm thinking no more than 400$
Get a gpu like a 480 or 1060 whichever your preference. Don't get a new motherboard or cpu this month, Ryzen will be on shelves in mass by mid march. I'd also suggest getting a 500'ish GB ssd to hold your O.S. and most used programs/games. Add together the prices and you're around $400.

which do you think is most optimal; 1060/480

also how would I transfer my OS/Files/Games from HDD to SSD?
Free programs like macrium reflect are able to clone/copy drives to migrate your OS to an ssd. As for which gpu to get, go for the higher Vram. I think the 480 has 8GB and matches well with freesync monitors. Crucial mx300 1TB model has a good price per GB for modern ssd's.

I agree. Hate having my PSU hanging from the ceiling. Thank you for everything!