Help me with graphics card


Apr 24, 2017
Hey guys, I just bought my brand new graphics card, it's a Nvidia GeForce gtx 1050ti Asus strix. I plug it in the tower and everything. And we I turn on my computer it's Says please power down and connect the PCIe cable for this graphics card.

I don't know what to do. Can somebody help me.
My mother board is an Asus A55bm-e
Try taking out and reinstalling your graphics card, making sure everything is set correctly. This is usually supposed to be referring to power. Maybe you forgot a couple pins? I'm saying this because some PSU's come with 6+2 to make 8 Pin, etc. So just try to make sure you got that down, and maybe try to switch the PSU Power Connector? Maybe the one you are using is bad.
Try taking out and reinstalling your graphics card, making sure everything is set correctly. This is usually supposed to be referring to power. Maybe you forgot a couple pins? I'm saying this because some PSU's come with 6+2 to make 8 Pin, etc. So just try to make sure you got that down, and maybe try to switch the PSU Power Connector? Maybe the one you are using is bad.
Sorry im very noob at this. What do you mean with switch the PSU power connector. I just pluged the card into the slots. and nothing else. should i need to do something else besides that?

Okay then this is easy. Basically, your PowerSupply (that cube with all those wires) has to give power to the card for it to, well, function. Look on your card (usually near the logo) for a square with either 6 or 8 Holes in it. Match that with a cable from your Power Supply, then plug it in. In your case, it is a 6-Pin Connector. It is usually somewhere in this area (see link). From your power supply, the 6-Pin connector would either look like one of these two. They plug in only one way so just try until it slips in and clips on :)

Okey thanks very much for the very detail explication. Im checking inside my cpu but i cant find any pci cable!! do you know where must be or what?? /:

Okey thanks very much for the very detail explication. Im checking inside my cpu but i cant find any pci cable!! do you know where must be or what?? /:
I see you wrote CPU. The CPU doesn't give power (although it needs it.) What gives the power is the PSU, or the Power Supply Unit. The basic power supply units have a huge bundle of wires that have different connectors. As I showed in the picture from my last post, that connected is what you are looking for. On the actual connector (plastic part of end of wire) it is labelled "PCI-E" which is for graphics cards. (Here is a video on installing one). Can I please know what brand and model your PSU Is?

Again, here are some pictures for reference:
Connector FROM PSU
Connector FOR Graphics Card
Your General Power Supply

Were you able to get it running? Click THIS To see how to install power, since you already have the card plugged in.

Yeahh! I found the cable!! Thankssss