Help me with soldering "AC power wires" directly on the MB. (Removing the faulty power jack I damaged all 3 board connectors.)
Hello everyone.
This is the motherboard from an old ASUS EEE PC netbook.
The Power jack failed and it was removed in a very wrong way, damaging all (3) board connection in a non-reparable way.
Can someone please identify (if possible at all) and mark two alternative places where can I solder two wires directly on the motherboard and use them to power the laptop?
Opsite side:
Opsite side:
Can someone please identify (if possible at all) and mark two alternative places where can I solder two wires directly on the motherboard and use them to power the laptop?
Hello everyone.
This is the motherboard from an old ASUS EEE PC netbook.
The Power jack failed and it was removed in a very wrong way, damaging all (3) board connection in a non-reparable way.
Can someone please identify (if possible at all) and mark two alternative places where can I solder two wires directly on the motherboard and use them to power the laptop?
Opsite side:
Opsite side:
Can someone please identify (if possible at all) and mark two alternative places where can I solder two wires directly on the motherboard and use them to power the laptop?