Help Microsoft and Get Free Software in Return

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Good opportunity for Metro haters(which includes me) to express their disappointments directly to the developers....
Trust me, I hate Metro the first look, but now I am getting used to it.

Anyway, I still using Win7, no point in upgrading yet. Unless I get Win8 for free.. 😀
I've tested Win8 on a desktop (VM) and TOTALLY hate it. There's zero chance I will use this OS in the future. Unless MS reverses course and eliminates Metro it's a non-starter for me. I found it very cumbersome, not intuitive, slow for power users actually trying to get work done and generally like something made for little kids. The big stupid boxes filled with options and tools I could care less about was the last straw. Why would I would to open this pointless screen by default when I really just want to open my programs (dozens at a time) and start working. Stop putting UI CRAP in my way to getting work done!
ffffffuuuuuuuu microsoft, I want my free office 2010 :)

Was willing to use it with windows 7 (not with windows 8, I tried to use it for a while and just cant without getting angry. They should replace every error message in windows 8 with "Windows 8 messed up on something, to fix this issue, please install windows 7"
I have a novel idea. How about a Start button on Windows 8 and an option to boot into the Desktop instead of Metro UI?

Can I have my free software now, please? 😀
metroUI is the most useless crap, It takes up the entire screen and displays fewer icons, entries than the standard start menu. (while you can zoom out on it, it doesn't use the space to fill vertically, it just makes everything smaller. This makes it entirely useless as it is very inefficient to use, especially on a desktop. (it at most uses half of the screen and as you zoom out, it uses even less of the space as everything gets smaller vertically)
Aww look at that... They try to sound so sincere making typical consumers overlook their stupditiy with metro ui on desktop pcs....
[citation][nom]SteelCity1981[/nom]i wouldn't install windows 8 if someone gave it to me for free. i'd sell the disc and product key on ebay instead.[/citation]

I think you would end up paying more for the shipping than what it sells for if Metro is unable to be disabled.

if someone gave me a free copy of windows 8, I would hang on to it until windows 9 comes out. If windows 9 is good I would upgrade to 8 then upgrade to 9 if there was a vast improvement over windows 7 and it had a desktop/start button.

who's idea was it at M$ to even remove it in the 1st place? 😵
I don't mind metro, is the unintuitive and unresponsive access to system settings and programs that bothers me about Windows 8 so far. In order to access any program or setting not available from right clicking the desktop you have to hover your mouse over the bottom right corner and hope the UI notices and pops out a bar that gives you access.

It is unintuitive because it is so radically different from every other OS out there that I know of. Linux doesn't do it, no other version of windows does it, and I believe neither does OSX. It's unresponsive because sometimes the OS doesn't recognize that you're hovering the cursor over that spot and so it doesn't react properly.

I can live without the Start menu but Only if they fix that problem.
they are going to have a really hard time making people change from win7 to win8. My main reason upgrading winxp to win7 is 64bit OS/DX10/DX11. Nothing else. Otherwise I would have still stay @ winXP.
Well Windows 8 takes a step backwards in battery life. Windows 7 is actually better so for portable devices it would actually be a big negative going to windows 8 considering battery life is the most important thing for mobile devices. You know what is going to happen is we are going to end up seeing Windows 9 fixing all of Windows 8 shortcomings just like we did with Windows 7 compared to Windows Vista. I just see MS doing the same thing 2 years from now with Windows 9 listing all the improvements and fixes it has over Windows 8. Funny thing is MS could still fix these problems before Windows 8 is final theyt can bring back the start menu, they can give a person an option to totally disable metro or hell even better to not even install metro durign the installation process or being able to remove it altogether, but they won't that won't happen until prob Windows 9 as apart of a market scheme of sorts.
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