Help! motherboard hot/smoking


Jan 20, 2016
Help! This is my 2nd build, and I'm having problems. I'm building an everyday PC with the following specs:

Mobo: ASRock AM1B-ITX
CPU: AMD Sempron 3850 AM1 CPU
Ram: 4gb generic Ram
HDD: 100GB Samsung Sata HDD

Also, it only smokes occasionally

The link below leads to a picture of where I belive the heat is emanating.!3378&authkey=!ADmHvXHhCwQ6K7o&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg[/img]

Thanks in advance,
To the right of the main mothebroard connector is nothing... that's where the motherboard ends.

Something is very wrong here, so don't power on the computer, it could fatally damage your components. For one thing, I'll let you know right now, power supplies that come with cases are junk, and I wouldn't be surprised if the PSU is playing a role in this. A big role. Especially since the smoke is coming from where the ATX12V motherboard cable plugs into the motherbroard. I would look into replacing the power supply ASAP.
I don't know what site that is. It'd be nice if you used a reputable image site or actually posted the image here rather than linking to a fishy site. 😛

Anyway, don't even use that PC. Something is wrong. What is your power supply? Where is the smoke exactly coming from? CPU area?
thanks for the speedy reply. I'm new here, so sorry about the picture. I have the Diablotek Diamond Case w/ PSU. It was about a 200 watt build, so I figured it would be okay. Anyway, what you're saying is that it's dead?

Thanks again,
To the right of the main mothebroard connector is nothing... that's where the motherboard ends.

Something is very wrong here, so don't power on the computer, it could fatally damage your components. For one thing, I'll let you know right now, power supplies that come with cases are junk, and I wouldn't be surprised if the PSU is playing a role in this. A big role. Especially since the smoke is coming from where the ATX12V motherboard cable plugs into the motherbroard. I would look into replacing the power supply ASAP.
Looking at the picture (Microsoft OneDrive) a surface mount component next to the ATX connection has failed and gave up the blue smoke. The motherboard is damaged and will need replacing.

It could have been a defect in the motherboard, but definitely get a new PSU, the freebies that come already in the chassis is 90% likely to be total junk. There's a reason it's free with the case.