Help motherboard, psu and cpu broken


Aug 26, 2012
Sorry for wall of text.

So my pc has not been starting up right for a while now. It would freeze on the windows menu and then I'd reset it and it would work. I updated windows lately and it kept crashing and rebooting when applying the updates. My psu, motherboard and cpu are all 6 years old. When my pc would power off the light on the motherboard would saty off for 5 minutes and then come back on. I thought it was my psu so I connected it to the wall with the paper clip method and it spinned for 15 mins. I thought it seemed kinda slow so I tried stopping it but I couldn't. It worked with my fans. I had the psu, motherboard and cpu connected and it kept rebooting. I then clicked the button on the motherboard (asus sabertooth z77) and it would turn on restart and then stay on, but i'd get no picture on the monitor.

-Well took out the cpu, pins got bent and plugged it back and and heard a pop. (only switched on the power supply unit not the motherboard)
- Now I'm afraid to turn it back on and I'd say the motherboard is fried.
- The cpu has a small orange tint on the corner of it

What do you think I should do? Buy a new psu, motherboard and cpu? Do ye have suggestions?
I have a rx480, ddr3 1666mhz 8gb x2, hhd and a solid state. I have a 2k monitor and want to use my pc for gaming and editing photos.
I'll have to try it later. I think my ssd might be the problem, it's probably 99 percent full. How would I clear this?
yes, that is problem. Because you can't boot up the PC, you will need the "USB 3.0 to SATA Adapter Cable for 2.5" SSD/HDD Drives " and take the SSD out, connect it into other computer to clean it up. After that plug it back into the PC.
USB 3.0 to SATA Adapter Cable for 2.5" SSD/HDD Drives
Question from wubwub69 : "Help cpu, psu or motherboard broken"


Antec 750w bronze psu
Asus z77 sabertooth motherboard
intel i7 3770k prcessor
msi radeon rx 480
ddr3 hyperbeast ram x 2
ssd 120gb
hhd 1tb

I tried using the on board gpu connected the psu only but got no picture
You need to clear the CMOS, before boot the PC. If you still do not get the display, remove RAM, the boot device too, after clear the CMOS, boot the PC with onboard iGPU.
1) The PC will post, but you will see the error, like no RAM and no boot device. That means the CPU/MB are fine, then just add the part one by one back. Each time you add a component, boot the pc to see the PC will boot or not, if it does, shutdown the PC, add other one.
2) The PC will not boot, then wither the cpu or MB may have problem.

I'll have to try it later. I think my ssd might be the problem, it's probably 99 percent full. How would I clear this? Would I have to get a sata to usb and do it on my laptop? Will that work?
I'll have to try it later. I think my ssd might be the problem, it's probably 99 percent full. How would I clear this?
yes, that is problem. Because you can't boot up the PC, you will need the "USB 3.0 to SATA Adapter Cable for 2.5" SSD/HDD Drives " and take the SSD out, connect it into other computer to clean it up. After that plug it back into the PC.
USB 3.0 to SATA Adapter Cable for 2.5" SSD/HDD Drives