Help my pc case fan is not spinning unless I push it


May 13, 2017
My fan worked for 1 year really well and fast quiet now when I turn my pc on the led turns on but my fan doesn't move just a slight but doesn't spin completely then I open my case and I push it and it spins spins pretty fast but not as fast as it did I'm worried it's my psu because it's connected with a molex not chassis. Could it just be the fan itself dying would I need a new one please help!
Are the fan blades covered with a heavy layer of dust? If so, they may be too heavy to start spinning on their own unless you manually spin it to start up.

I have sadly still nothing it once worked but then I shut my pc down over night and and the next day it didn't spin again could it be my psu? If it is why does everything work like cpu fan?

Everything works wonderfully and I tried to change different molex and it still didn't work and I can't try the mother board header because my fan is only molex tomorrow I will get a new fan and see hopefully it's not my psu