[SOLVED] Help my pc doesnt shut off instead goes in sleep mode (Windows 10)

Jan 18, 2019
Hello, I've recently bought a new computer and I have noticed that whenever I go on start menu of Windows 10 and click "turn off" it doesn't actually turns off, because whenever I press that I see the Windows 10 dialog "Shutting down" or "Shutting off", but it doesn't shut off, how I know that? I know it because whenever I press it the monitor just goes black and I can still hear my pc fans spinning which indicates that I'm in the sleep mode, I saw tutorials that you have to go in command prompt and write like powercfg -h off, I don't remember cause I watched tutorials 2 days ago, when I write the command it shows that error has occured and I dont know why. I know that this has something to do with the power options and I went there and there was a "Driver booster plan" especially meant for gamers etc. Well I switched to balanced and right now i'm on high performance and it still does happen. About the driver booster, maybe the previous owner made this plan or Windows just updated.
Thanks , if you tried to help me, I will make sure that I check every answer!
W10 has something call faster startup. go to settings -> System -> Power & sleep -> Choose what the power button does -> select Shut down when I press on the power button -> Click on change settings that are currently unavailable -> unchecked Turn on fast startup.
W10 has something call faster startup. go to settings -> System -> Power & sleep -> Choose what the power button does -> select Shut down when I press on the power button -> Click on change settings that are currently unavailable -> unchecked Turn on fast startup.

http://prntscr.com/m8wtwk in sleep section it had "sleep" i set it off


UPDATED SCREENSHOT: http://prntscr.com/m8wuuo