Help! Need game advice


Jan 30, 2014
So for my husband's bday I want to surprise him with a two player PC game that we can play together. I dislike gaming and he is a PC game lover so I thought it would be a nice thing to do. Now I have no clue though which game to play so I was hoping if you guys could advice me on two player PC games that involve strategy/fantasy?
Some of the games he likes are kohan, elite, diablo2, war hammer, x-com enemy unknown, smash tv, worms etc

Please help!
This game would be ideal, but it's not out quite yet:
You can get early access though, so you can play the game while its not 100% finished:
(you might need to buy the duo pack to install it on two systems, unless you want a game that is co-op from one game disc/one computer)