HELP!!!! Need to delete a folder(s)

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Oct 6, 2009
OK this is driving me crazy!!!!!

I am trying to reinstall skype that has crashed and since failed to start ever since. I try to uninstall skype using the windows uninstall programs. It starts goes about 99% then the progress bar goes backwards and then eventually disappears and thats it!

Now i did immense Google searches and everyone says to delete any folder that has "skype" in it. ok I delete ~users/appdata/..., registry keys using the program they recommend, but I cannot delete the folders in the "program files" folder!!!

I already used killbox, unlocker, cacls, takeown, disable User accounts, and trying to take full control through windows. I even booted into safe mode with admin cmd and tried to take control that way and it works but then when trying to delete the dir I get access denied!!!!

:fou: I am so angry at this point Im not sure what else to try. Anyone with help please!!!
What folder Attributes do you get when you right mouse click on the folder and choose properties?

Anything marked 'Read Only'? If so change read only attribute.


Oct 6, 2009
hahaha I wish it were only the read only button.

Thats the problem I cannot take control of the rights to change it.

Like I said originally, I used CMD to "takeown" and "cacls" in safemode and using admin too. Something is screwy with this machine. I already scanned it for viruses and malware, even pulling the drive to scan and change the folder permissions too.

IDK anymore. Skype is slow on there response but at least they are trying to help.

Any more suggestions?

BTW 32-bit vista


Oct 6, 2009
Ok figured a temp workaround for now. It seems that when the owner had this computer they wanted to take the password off and therefore lost the rights to the folder.

I created another user account and installed the software I needed. After installing the program I went back to the original account and created a shortcut.

This is only a minor fix but at least they understand what happened when they messed with the user accounts!
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