Help Needed Choosing LGA 1150 Budget Board for R9 270X


Oct 10, 2011
Hey guys,
I'm going to be building a PC with a Sapphire 4GB 29 270X and an i5 CPU.
The problem is that my budget only allows me to buy motherboards with a PCI 2.0 lane, while the R9 270X utilises a 3.0 X16 lane. Will this in anyway affect my performance?
Having said that, which is the best motherboard out of these -





Thanks for the reply! On a side note, may I ask why your username is derived from Koenigsegg but your picture is of a Porsche badge?

I don't find any GIF for koeniggseg. Infact, I just kept my name thinking I can change it later, but can't. If you find a koenigsegg logo GIF, send me a link in private message, appreciated !