HELP NEEDED! Gigabyte GA-8ITXR reviews?


Former Staff
I need reviews on the GA-8ITXR to find out if it is overclockable. The reason? It has ONE MORE PCI slot than the TH7-II, and I need all the PCI slots I can get.

Is the GA-8ITXR even stable for overclocking? What's the max bus speed and max voltage? How about the RDCG's, are they better or worse than Abits sometimes troublesome units? These are thing I REALLY NEED TO KNOW! PLEASE HELP!

Raystonn? Fathead?

What's the frequency, Kenneth?


Mar 16, 2001
crash, here are a few:

<A HREF="" target="_new">PCStats review</A>
<A HREF="" target="_new">PCPro</A>
Probably not what you're looking for but what the heck. Question: Why do you need so many PCI slots?

<i>It's always the one thing you never suspected.</i>


Former Staff
I can't use the first slot. I usually have 4 PCI cards in. I need one slot open for testing cards, and the first one doesn't count. Some boards offer slots 2-6 instead of 1-5, otherwise I need 6 slots.

Damn, still no information on overclocking the beast!

What's the frequency, Kenneth?


Mar 16, 2001
4 cards. Hmmmmm... I'm guessing: SCSI, audio, lan and modem? Or what? You don't like onboard stuff?

<i>It's always the one thing you never suspected.</i>


Former Staff
I'd accept onboard LAN if any of my venders offered a TH7-II RAID with one, but NONE of them do. Besides, the RDCG's on the Abit are a little spotty, I was hoping that Gigabyte used better, but have no way of telling. And then there's the cool collor.

What's the frequency, Kenneth?
Here's a link:

<A HREF="" target="_new">Link</A>

<b><font color=blue>~ Whew! Finished...Now all I need is a Cyrix badge ~ </font color=blue> :wink: </b>


A good friend of mine has the board, he bought it for the 6 PCI slots, Promise RAID onboard and because another friend of ours really liked his 7DXR (AMD 761 board).

He's got his 2.2 on a 120MHz bus with full speed memory, he's satisfied with that and doesn't really feel like overclocking anymore. I think he just wanted to be at a higher clockspeed than I am :tongue:

Anyhow, I wouldn't buy it for overclocking specifically, but it's a good board otherwise.

BTW, why is the first PCI slot out?

<font color=blue>If you don't buy Windows, then the terrorists have already won!</font color=blue> - Microsoft


Former Staff
HEY! Axe your friend if you can try your CPU and memory in his board to see if it overclocks to 133MHz FSB. Show him this post and tell him I really need help on this!

What's the frequency, Kenneth?


Just switch to Win XP like the big boys, and you won't have any of those IRQ sharing problems :wink:

I doubt he'd go for switching motherboards, too much effort. You'd probably get a better analysis from reviews anyway.

<font color=blue>If you don't buy Windows, then the terrorists have already won!</font color=blue> - Microsoft


Half your programs? I find that a bit hard to believe.

Your Lucent modem should be XP compatible, I don't know what kind of TV tuner you have though, so I can't really comment on that.

<font color=blue>If you don't buy Windows, then the terrorists have already won!</font color=blue> - Microsoft


I just picked up the new Leadtek, and it rocks. But that's another story.

What software in incompatible? The only stuff I've heard of is some of the old DOS games.

<font color=blue>If you don't buy Windows, then the terrorists have already won!</font color=blue> - Microsoft


Former Staff
There were three programs, I can't remember which ones because, during the few days I was testing it on my system, I didn't need them. First sign of old age is memory loss, I can't remember all the reasons I hated VIA chipsets either, but know I listed quite a few of them in here a year ago.

Anyway, yes, I still have some DOS games that are not that old. But I don't even have time to play them any longer.

Since not that much information is out there on the Leadtek, you should post everything you find in here. I would love to blow some holes in the "VIA superiority" theory.

What's the frequency, Kenneth?


You only use 6 programs total? :lol:

Sorry, I meant the new Leadtek TV Tuner, not the Leadtek SiS735 board.

<font color=blue>If you don't buy Windows, then the terrorists have already won!</font color=blue> - Microsoft