Hello there, I've read about mediacombb.net here, I searched it because I just received an email from them. This is the email:
Catherine Rentar,
We are willing to offer you the role of Quality Control Manager at our organization.
Personal duties include processing clients' orders via mail, working together with administrators, arranging and preparing reports.
2500$ per month + 50$ bonus per package. Average monthly income 4200$
!!We provide necessary training and pay salary and bonuses during the training period.
Reply to this e-mail your name, phone and we will get in touch with you.
Is this a scam? is mediacombb.net a phishing site? Hope to hear from you guys. I am looking for a job but I do not want to get scammed. Thanks
| Jul 14, 2021, 11:47 PM (2 hours ago) | ||
Catherine Rentar,
We are willing to offer you the role of Quality Control Manager at our organization.
Personal duties include processing clients' orders via mail, working together with administrators, arranging and preparing reports.
2500$ per month + 50$ bonus per package. Average monthly income 4200$
!!We provide necessary training and pay salary and bonuses during the training period.
Reply to this e-mail your name, phone and we will get in touch with you.
Is this a scam? is mediacombb.net a phishing site? Hope to hear from you guys. I am looking for a job but I do not want to get scammed. Thanks