[SOLVED] Help: new b450 mobo / Ryzen 3700x / 2080 Super build no signal, GPU Fans at MAX

Sep 13, 2019
Hi there, yesterday I finished my new build using all brand new parts (listed below). When I turn on the computer I get no signal going to the monitor using HDMI and the fans on the RTX 2080 Super are going insanely loud. I tried to unplugging the ram and swapping them around but the same problem.

I made sure to get the mother board updated to f42.a when I purchased it from the online manufacturer so it would be compatible with Ryzen 3xxx CPU.

Mother Board :: Gigabyte Aorus Pro AMD B450 I Mini ITX
CPU :: AMD Ryzen 3700x
Graphics Card :: 8GB MSI GeFroce RTX 2080 Super Ventus
RAM :: 2x 16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-3200
SSD :: 500GB Samsung 860 Evo
PSU :: 750 Watt Corsair SF Series SF600

I've tried to find answers to my questions all night and today but I don't know how to move forward with debugging/getting this to work. Does anyone know why the GFX cards fans would be spinning this hard and not outputting a signal? Am getting a bit concerned I spent all my money on an expensive paper weight. Thank you kindly for your time.
I would start with the minimum setup first so just one stick of ram, primary Boot SSD and GPU and try getting to BIOS. RAM always seems to be an issue so try ruling that out first. Also try resetting the bios by clearing the CMOS. Of course I am assuming you have double and triple checked all the cables especially the CPU power cable in the top left and the front panel headers...
I would start with the minimum setup first so just one stick of ram, primary Boot SSD and GPU and try getting to BIOS. RAM always seems to be an issue so try ruling that out first. Also try resetting the bios by clearing the CMOS. Of course I am assuming you have double and triple checked all the cables especially the CPU power cable in the top left and the front panel headers...
I don't know if we talk about the same thing here but if so than that's how I resolved my problem with 'no signal':

Thanks for tips guys, being a massive noob I finally realised I hadn't run 12v power cable to the CPU on the motherboard. I jsut assumed the 12 pin power was all I needed. Happy to report everything is running fine now and my new computer is blazing :) Thanks again everyone.