Help: new install = slow computer (memory)


Mar 27, 2017
I've recently installed windows 7 again (yesterday), but something seems off. When no programs are running it still uses 20+% of memory (8GB) and no matter what I do, the fans keep spinning like I tried to run twenty programs at once (right now, doing nothing but writing this post, it's up at 27%). It still feels pretty snappy though (haven't really installed all that many programs on it yet, but opening MS word is definitely quicker now than before the reinstall of windows).
I have checked that windows update isn't running in the background causing trouble (there are no available updates).

Also, chrome takes up way more memory than it used to (as far as I can remember - usually it was dropbox that was always at the top of the list with about 144.000K, but now there are three processes with close to 200.000K just for chrome (plus other chrome ones) and I have even less extentions installed than before - and the only tab I have open is the one I'm writing in right now). Is that normal, that chrome takes up that much memory? I really don't recall it having done that before (having multiple processes, sure, but not that they were this "heavy").

It's really rather frustrating, 'cause I feel like my computer ran better before the new windows installation (admittedly, it was slower to start programs, but when they were up and running, at least the computer then "relaxed" and stayed quiet).

I'm pretty sure I have the newest drivers (found them on samsungs website for this model).
When choosing "show processes from all users" chrome takes the top two, then comes svchost with 170.000K followed by two more chrome processes, windows explorer, avast behaviour shield, chrome, svchost, desktop windows manager, chrome, avast, svchost x2 etc. (those last mentioned are less than 10.000K each). Also, there are currently 55 processes in total and the memory usage is fairly steady at 27% (the CPU usage jumps around between 0% and 10+%).

Do you guys have any idea of what could be wrong? Or is this really normal and should I just try to get used to the sound (although I'm sure it didn't do that before)? I mean, right now it's practically not doing anything, yet it's very warm and the fans are annoyingly loud.


Stats: samsung (model: np305v5a-t02se), windows 7 home premium SP1, 64 bit

PS. Before the reinstall I had the laptop "opened" 'cause I thought it could use a bit of cleaning (being five years old and all), but it looked sparkling new with barely any dust inside (the guy who helped me was as surprised as I was and he's used to taking laptops apart - he ended up not doing anything to it, since it wasn't needed) - he also ran a couple programs that told him the temperature was just fine (44 degrees if I recall correctly) and that my harddisk had no issues. Hence why it seems like it's the new install that is at fault.
Also, he installed windows 10 on it, but my graphics card driver didn't work properly with it, so I installed win 7 instead myself (twice now: first a oem version and secondly a standard version - I had this memory issue with both).

Update: It actually stopped making noise for a short while (I had closed chrome and opened adobe pdf viewer instead, which used about 330.000K of memory at the time - overall memory was "down" to 24%). The "exhaus port area" (for lack of a better word) of the laptop, which was previously very warm, was then only lukewarm (normal). (Now, having opened chrome again, it's back to being very warm and noisy... by the way, I have unticked the box that has chrome processes running even after the program closes).
I tried running CrystalDIskInfo for good measure's sake: it says my harddisk temperature is 46 degrees (it seems unaffected by how warm the "exhaus port area is", so I'm guessing those two are not connected?).
Wait another day then see how things are, after you do the driver updates for the system. Let Windows Update finish installing everything, get drivers from the laptop support site. Using about 20% of your memory at idle normal, Windows and other processes need RAM to run, especially when you add in the fact that Windows Update will be running after a clean installation at a good pace.

Ehm, I appreciate the answer, but I'm not sure if you've read my post properly? I have already installed the drivers from samsungs website and windows update has no available updates left (and I've restarted the computer plenty of times since, so it should have gotten all of them).
Is using 20+% of memory at idle also normal when there shouldn't be any unusual background processes running i.e. with no windows update activity?

Did you sort by task to see what is using up the memory? Is the laptop actually running slower? Can't really tell from your post, the only thing you seem to say is the issue is the memory usage, which you can't say is higher than normal since you don't know what it was before. And the noise from the fan could be from the power settings or BIOS settings. There is often a BIOS option to set fan profiles to performance, quiet or something similar, see if you can set that to run slower. Fan being louder than before is not a sign of the system working harder it may just be the fan running due to power profile.