Help! New ryzen 2400g PC won't boot.

Apr 14, 2018
So I finally built my first PC. Finished cutting everything then went to boot. The fans turn and everything, but it doesn't post.
An LED issue indicator turns on the motherboard for the ram and every few seconds it quickly changes to the cpu LED, but only for a split second.
I suspect it's either ram compatibility issues or bios needs too be updated but I since it's my first build I have no way of checking with other ram or cpu. Does anyone have any idea what's going on?
Is the ram I have just not compatible?

Gygabyte AB350 gaming 3
Vengeance lpx ddr4 3000mhz 2x4
Ryzen 5 2400g
It could be a BIOS issue. You'd need a supported CPU for updating it. Try at a local pc repair shop. They might be able to help.