Help on either upgrading or new PC


Nov 5, 2013
I currently have a Dell XPS 730X everything is stock and now that im getting back into gaming with a four year old Pc, thought I would get a little advice as to upgrade this one and with what or just buy new...I has the i7-920 stock clock still.
Current GPU is the radeon 4950 xfired...I want to average around around 40-50 fps on 1920x1200. Id like to run two monitors however need two matching ones. My budget is no more than 2k and I would prefer not go that high if I able, and stay about 12-14 hundred. Im just unsure as to whats out there and everything I read tell me I have a awesome CPU just need to OC it. So I figured I would get some help

My current setup is
I7-920 stock
6gb of tri channel 1333mhz
a 250gb HD
AMD Readeon 4950x2 crossfire 512mb each
thought this might help as well. Also Im unsure what my mobo is as the whole thing came from Dell.
Yeah Im thinking I may just slap a GPU in here and look at the purchase you put up as well...would you say the 760 ti or r9 280x as far as upgraded GPUs?? thanks again
Alright my current PSU is a 1000 watt...looks like itll come down to brand prefrence now...I ve always been a fan of EVGA nvidia however that R9 sounds nice. Might look at saving a little money though.