Help on upgrading my pc's gpu


Dec 30, 2017
I am looking to upgrade my computer's gpu, here are my specs
i7 3770k
960 4gb
I'm looking to buy a gpu that can handle games like Rust, GTAV, BF1 and Ark at Ultra settings. I cannot go past 310 dollars with the price. Thankyou:)

with your budget, ultra on ark and gta5 is not possible ( you will need to tweak settings )

gtx 1060 6gb is about the best you can get for the money

or if you dont mind used, a gtx 980 ti

make sure your power supply is decent and has the proper amount of pcie cables

you will also need to overclock the 3770k a bit

with your budget, ultra on ark and gta5 is not possible ( you will need to tweak settings )

gtx 1060 6gb is about the best you can get for the money

or if you dont mind used, a gtx 980 ti

make sure your power supply is decent and has the proper amount of pcie cables

you will also need to overclock the 3770k a bit