Help on upgrading the CPU fan cooler


Sep 20, 2015
I have a problem I want to upgrade my cpu to the FX 8320, I currently have the FX 4170.

I have the CPU Fan cooler Hyper 212


I want to upgrade to Noctua NH-D14 120mm & 140mm SSO CPU Cooler.

The problem is I have no clue if that will fit in my case lol.

I have the Thermaltake ArmorPlus(Armor+) VH6000BWS Black Aluminum / Steel ATX Full Tower Computer Case.

The Dimentions are:
Dimensions & Weight
Dimensions (H x W x D)
24.60" x 9.60" x 23.60"

The Dimentions of the Hyper 212 are:
116 x 51 x 159 mm (4.6" x 2.00" x 6.20")

and the Noctua is:
160 x 140 x 158mm

Would my case fit a Noctua or is there another CPU Fan cooler that is around the same as the Hyper 212. I just really like the looks and features of the Noctua lol.

Is the Hyper 212 enough or can I upgrade to the Noctua?

Current temps are around 15-25c Idle and I think 40c gaming, on the Hyper 212.

It'll clear. Or for the same money you could throw this in instead. It trades blows with the D14 but tends to cool slightly(we're talking a degree in most cases) better. You can also add a second fan to the X31 down the line for a push pull config, for even more performance.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU Cooler: NZXT Kraken X31 69.5 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($73.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $73.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-09-21 00:06 EDT-0400