Hello im new to overclocking. I have an AMD FX 8120 and the reason I want to overclock it is because when I play SC2 it seems sluggish and I have a hard time microing with many units on the map. I downloaded OCCT and ran it with stock settings. I see the max my processor hits is 1406 MHz. I should be getting at least 3100 MHz stock correct? When I run the test does it stress the CPU to keep it at max settings ? I just bought and installed a EGVA GTX 760 superclocked. I doubt my video card is making the game play sluggish especially since ive read that SC2 is demanding on your CPU. I just want a smooth flowing game. Any ideas?
System Specs
Power supply - 600w
GPU- EVGA GTX 760 Superclocked
CPU - AMD FX 8120 eight core processor 3.1 GHz
Mother Board - ASRock N68-VS3 FX
System Specs
Power supply - 600w
GPU- EVGA GTX 760 Superclocked
CPU - AMD FX 8120 eight core processor 3.1 GHz
Mother Board - ASRock N68-VS3 FX