So yesterday I was playing shadow of mordor for about 30mins and then i had to go to work. After 4 hours of working and got home i went to play my game. this time my PC took about 5mins to boot and when i clock on a taskbar app i get an endless hourglass. I hit restart and then got an endless please wait, so i had to force shutdown. When it booted again, i waited a few more minutes for my startup programs to launch. Steam opened up and when i hit 'run' for Shadow of Morder it said 'Runnning' and the window popped up but nothing happened. then i hit run on Batman: Arkham Knight and it also said 'Running.' I had about 4 games saying 'Running' until i decided to restart and got the endless 'please wait' icon. I gave up and about 18 hours of letting my pc stay off i figured it might work, nope. This time only Google Chrome opened up, a couldnt get any apps to start, not even task manager. So i did some looking and it might be Malware, but i didnt pirate anything. im in the process of system restore, its been Restoring files for about 10mins now. Hoping it get better.
Help please
Help please