Question Help please Hotel cable

Feb 19, 2023
Hey hoping someone can help is a bit off pc topic but Tv and displays

For work I live in basically a hotel room, the hotel has a Phillips Tv connected and standard aerial cable plugged into it to get the channels

I brought a new Sony Tv and plugged the aerial into the new Sony tv and is not getting any of the channels after searching in digital and analog

I am assuming the hotel TVs are decrypting the signal on the encrypted coaxial cable

Is there a way I can decrypt the signal from the aerial for my new tv?

Any help appreciated
as far as compatibility goes, sony supports what philips has

check that philips common interface slot if theres module inserted, if its there, swap it to sony

it looks like this
as far as compatibility goes, sony supports what philips has

check that philips common interface slot if theres module inserted, if its there, swap it to sony

it looks like this
I yeah I just checked the slot but thiers no card in the the Phillips Tv? Like is already been removed but still gets the channels?
pointing it out that you cannot see/know if Hotel has aerial antenna or cable tv connection to the building.
you have mentioned trying analog and digital on aerial side but have you also checked the cable side?

So there are 4 options:
Aerial, analog
Aerial, digital
Cable, analog
Cable, digital.

and either one can have satellite in it depending on/if building has satellite TV dish. Satellite channels almost always need decryption card though.

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