HELP PLEASE! Is my CPU, MOBO or PSU the problem?


Aug 15, 2014
Recently built a new PC:
i7 4790k cpu
Asus z97-pro
Asus R9-280x gpu
16 GB Corsair Vengeance Pro
Corsair RM750 PSU
Samsung 240 SSD
Watercooled CPU
Windows 8.1

Had it running well for a few weeks now, but yesterday I got a very brief BSOD with a restart and then no more problems. Ignored the issue, but today I walked out of the room and came back to it being turned off. Tried to restart but only got a split second of power for the fans to turn on and nothing. Will not post and the only way to get the split second of power is to flip the PSU switch off and on.
The MOBO is receiving power since the lights turn on... but perhaps not enough when it is time for boot up? Not really sure what the issue is or where i should really start. Is this a known symptom of a dead CPU, MOBO, or PSU?
Pretty sure it is not the RAM or the GPU, the CPU was putting up some pretty high numbers using a stress test, but I have read that is somewhat expected with i7's? I have tried the ram in single stick configurations on both sets of slots, still nothing. CPU shows no signs of being fried.
Unfortunately I was out of the room so I have no hints to go off of. Really hoping it is not the CPU, used ASUS 5-way for a mild overclock during the second week, should not have caused any problems given the stress test and everything went well, and the comp ran stable for a solid couple weeks with heavy gaming and multitasking. Any input would be helpful, especially with some diagnosis help! Thanks
What's your idle temp and temp while on 60-80% load?
Did you OC your CPU?
What do you mean by 'pretty high numbers'? Please specify the numbers.
Do you hear any sort of beep when the PC is turned on? Like fast beeps, slow beeps, continous, periodic?

Suggestion: It might be your PSU, its a Tier 3, not ideal for high end systems and an absolute no if you wish to OC on an i7.
BSOD was on for a split second, so no time to read the numbers.
I did have it on a mild OC to 4.4, on Prime95 test, temps would get up to high 80's almost 90C after a good while. Idle temps were at 30-40C
I thought the load temps were high so I re-seated the cooling block a couple times, still no change in load temps though.
No beep codes.
If it is the PSU that would be ideal to be honest
At the time of the crash, the computer was basically idle, with just Netflix and a couple webpages up. I was playing BF4 earlier today with Netflix on the other screen. That's pretty much been the workload over the past couple days.
You OCed your CPU, it wanted more power, PSU provided it with great difficulty due to inferior LTEC capacitors, one fine day, your PSU just gave up. Game over. Get a Tier 1 or 2 CLass A PSU. I can suggest some if you give me your budget for PSU.
Also, those temps are really warm, which can happen on stock coolers but should definately not happen with liquid ones. Which one you got? If its H60, I can expect this performance as its crap (no offense), if its H80i or above, there might a problem with your cooler too.
PS: I OC my 4790k to 4.5GHz stable with H110 and it notes down 67-72C temp after half an hour of Prime95. Compare it.
Okay I will try the PSU first. Budget depends on if returning the PSU is an option, probably $200 max though.
I thought that was high for a WC setup. It is a custom loop, XSPC block, 280mm res, had it hooked up to an i5 4.0 OC and handled every thing completely fine. Should invest in some nice thermal paste to see if that makes a difference after I fix the main issue (used the XSPC stuff). I am a little worried that it could just be a bad CPU?

I've tried this, still just a flash of power then nothing.

$200 is more than enough. Get this one:
Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA 1000G2 1000W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($146.81 @ Newegg)

Absolutely worth every penny. 1kW so there's room for extreme upgrades like tri SLI in the future, maybe even quad!
Tier 1, the best PSU available. Also, Gold certified, will keep you afloat for like 10+ years with this build!

If you want extreme stability and performance (15+ years with 900W+ continous usage), then there's the Platinum version:

Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 P2 1000W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($186.99 @ SuperBiiz)

Not worth it for you though. A gold is more than enough.

And yes re-apply the thermal paste. Should work out as custom loops are extremely good sometimes.

And CPU failure is in the rarest cases, I've never heard an Intel i-Core failing even after 3-5 years usage.

Okay I'll go out and pick up a new PSU tomorrow to see if it helps. Any other suggestions in case I cant find that EVGA. Corsair options maybe?
So I really appreciate everyone's help, yesterday morning I tried my PC before going to buy a new PSU and for some reason it booted right up, all the way to Windows. Restarted after an update and it seemed my OS files got corrupted or I picked up a virus somehow in the month it was up and running, not really sure how since all I had on the PC was autoCAD and some games. Anyways did a fresh OS install and it seems like everything is working fine now! Probably going to wait a while to OC, at least until I decide to upgrade the PSU. Thanks again though, just wanted to update this!