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"nnaoj5" <> wrote in news:5bidnfR98bI7bUPfRVn-
> DH plays the game. It keeps crashing. Does anyone know what he can do to
> stop this from happening? He has tried it on all three of his computers
> with the same results:-(
If it was a recent install to all PCs using same disks, I'd check the CDs as
Do you have any video codec packs installed? The following was a big headache
for me for a long time when first installing D2 & LOD...
If so, see if you have FFDShow (video renderer) installed. FFDShow causes a
lot of games to crash because it tries to make itself the default video
renderer for ALL video (including Smak, Bink, and a lot of other video types
used in game CGs).
When in a game and a CG movie starts, FFDShow will have an icon in the tray
(if it is a newer version). If its an older version of FFDShow, you'll have
to look for it in Add/Remove Programs but codec packs usually do not create
an uninstaller for just FFDShow so you may be better off searching for the
folder called FFDShow or just FFD. If you find it and it doesn't have an
uninstaller, you may have to uninstall the entire codec pack.
Just a suggestion. Hope it helps.
a.k.a. Br_Dalamar on BNET