I have a gaming PC I just built it started having problems come to find out the motherboard was bad I replaced it with the z270 gaming Pro carbon motherboard the other components on the computer or i7 7700k Eve 680 gold power supply 1060 GeForce 6gb scan Drive SSD 256gb and a Toshiba 1tb hard drive g.skill 16 GB two eight sticks the computer makes no funny noises when it turns on all as normal I can play a video or something and then my computer will shut down then I have no display from my HDMI or power or function for my keyboard and mouse I took the memory out replaced it it helped it one time before but the actions keep continuing I tried memory in all four slots still no display power to the keyboard or Mouse I even tried taking all the connections apart and reconnected them just to make sure no pins were broken everything still lights up and gets power fans mobo and cooler except the display to my TV and the mouse and keyboard any help or advice would be really appreciated