HELP! Quick Format 3TB drive's 746GB (split to 2TB and 746GB)-Partition info GONE


Jan 13, 2012
In the process of moving my dual boot (XP and Ubuntu 12.04) to a new HDD, I had backed up all my documents on an internal 3TB drive that Acronis had split for Windows XP into 2TB NTFS (where I had my backup data) and the rest was showing as an unformated 746GB in Win Disc Manager. I decided to quick format the missing 746GB (not the 2TB I was using) and now I can't access the drive (my original 2TB is also not showing).

I didn't ask Windows to touch the 2TB partition so what could have happened? Can GParted build back my original partitions?

This drive migration is turning out to be a huge bummer! I hope I haven't just lost my backup.