[HELP] Random Restarts


Jul 14, 2013
not sure if this belongs here, mods please move if needed.

anyhoo here's the story:

Basically PC will just restart no error code, no bsod (checked with whocrashed) just hard restart like someone hit the button. Specs are in sig. Know i have plenty of power. Have tried all of the following:
-Memtest - Pass
-Running everything stock (cpu/ram/gpu)
-Reconnecting power supply cables on both psu ends
-Clean install (though not likely software but who knows)
-all but 1 memory stick
-probably something im missing

basically only happens randomly unless playing certain games. example: i played bf3 for hours this morning.
loaded up borderlands 2 had a buddy join play 5 minutes... restart.. get back to windows load bl2 start game with friend.. restart...

can watch netflix for hours, playing final fantasy xiv: arr for hours (very rarely do i get a crash with that but it still happens randomly..

then load up cod:bo2 30 seconds in restart. get bk to windows, load bo2... restart...

im going crazy here, as far as i can see under event viewer only thing i see is Kernal-Power 41 (63) criticals saying
"The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly."
and a couple warnings of Kernal-PnP 219 (212) "The driver \Driver\WudfRd failed to load for the device WpdBusEnumRoot\UMB\2&37c186b&0&STORAGE#VOLUME#."

kinda thinking psu or mobo, but if someone could shed any light? could it be the 780? could it be something simple? (one would hope but never know) All i know is i hate not being able to game after spending this much just TO game >.<

i7 3770k @ 4.6 w/ H100i - - - - Asrock Z77 Extreme 4
EVGA GTX 780 SC ACX - - - - 16gb Samsung DDR3U 1333 @ 1600 CL10
Cooler Master HAF X - - - - Samsung 840 Pro 256gb
WD Black 1tb x 2 - - - - WD Green 2tb
Corsair HX750 - - - - QNIX QX2710 27" WQHD

temps are fine, as for mem voltage, been running at stock for awhile trying to figure it out, and cant 🙁 so @ 1333 @ stock voltage
should also mention, can run prime 95 no problem for hours as well, so really makes me think psu issue as only problem is running certain games iono, just throwing in more info
My computer restarts at night when I am not there. It usually happens while in "Sleep" mode. When restarts, message appears, "Windows ran in to a problem and your computer was restarted". I have the same messages in Event viewer, "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly." I experimenting with disabling "Sleep" mode. Interestingly, my computer still finds its way to go sleep as if I never disabled it. May be related to power management software if you have any.


and i doubt its power management, as itll happen right after i boot up if i load the right game... my go-to test game i have found is Primal Carnage for some reason... within 30 seconds of loading the map BAM lights out restart...


as was stated above i believed, no bsod ie no dump/logs

but issue has been SOLVED, got my new platinum seasonic psu today installed and finally played a whole round of Primal Carnage (previously unplayable as would restart 5-15 seconds into it) Will RMA the HX750 and keep as a backup for if the seasonic ever goes bad :)

thanks for the help and letting me vent 😛