Question Please help me narrow down my options for a new laptop ?


Sep 5, 2020
I'm in the market for a new laptop, but I feel overwhelmed by the options on offer. I use my laptop predominantly for writing and research, and never game on it, so I don't need a powerful graphics card or processor. I would also prefer to avoid Windows 11 if at all possible, which has led me to consider a Mac for the first time in my life, considering Win 10 is going unsupported next year. Here's a list of my priorities, if that helps:

  • MUST run Microsoft Word well* - I've tried other writing software, but I'm very prone to distraction and I prefer Word for its distraction-free environment
  • Compact design - nothing over 12" length or 13" screen size
  • Battery life of at least 10 hours
  • Lightweight
  • Budget of around 1k, the lower the better

If anyone can think of something that checks all these boxes, please let me know!

*I've heard MS Word can be iffy on Mac OS. Does anyone have experience running Word on a mac, good or bad? I'm open to switching to Apple, but I really want to keep using Word.


Budget of around 1k, the lower the better
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Does anyone have experience running Word on a mac, good or bad?
You can install pretty much any MS app on Apple's Mac OS, and they work just like they would on a Windows platform thought he keyboard might need getting used to. Outside of that, it's the same, only that the display on a Mac is much better than what you get off the market.