[SOLVED] Help to upgrade


Jan 22, 2019
Intel® Core™ i5-6600 3.90 GHz
Kingston HyperX FURY (2x4GB) 2400MHz DDR4
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

Looking to upgrade my system but i don't have much knowledge to decide what to buy. I've bought a 240hz monitor a year ago and now i'm looking to get full use of it on games like CS:GO and Overwatch. Any recomendation ?

Yes, that means you have a CPU bottleneck. I would at least advice an overclockable CPU since your motherboard already supports overclocking. A 7700k is the best choice but mabye a 7600k would do too. Try and look up some high fps reviews.
You could swap your 6600 for a 6600k or 7600k or even bump it to an overclockable i7.
But your CPU is decent enough.
What framerates are you getting now? Maybe a more powerful GPU is necessary more than a CPU.

Getting something like 200/250 but not stable at all. And i'm having some issues with input lag (don't know if it is result of that)

You should download some monitoring software. If your CPU is constantly at 100% (and the GPU at anything but 95%+) you'll have to upgrade to your CPU. If your GPU is at a 100% you will need to upgrade your GPU.
Rivatuner is a software which will allow you to display this in an overlay but there's way more programs which do this.

GPU-65 %

Overall, need to get new CPU right ?

Yes, that means you have a CPU bottleneck. I would at least advice an overclockable CPU since your motherboard already supports overclocking. A 7700k is the best choice but mabye a 7600k would do too. Try and look up some high fps reviews.

Thank you so much for your help.

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