Help upgrading my rig?


Dec 2, 2015
I have a question in regards to upgrading my build. I'm looking to upgrade a component this Christmas but I'm unsure which upgrade would serve me best, hoping someone could offer their opinion. Here's my build: 2 GTX 660's SLI, Intel i5-3570K @3.40 GHz Stock, 8GB RAM
I'm happy gaming at 1080p, my monitor is 144 Hz so I enjoy looking at the lovely high frames when games allow it, I'm hoping to give my FPS a boost in newer games such as fallout 4 and Witcher 3 as my rig is starting to show its age in an increasing fashion and I can only see it getting worse with 2016's future titles. So would I be best upgrading my CPU? Upgrading my GPU and to which card exactly, prehaps the GTX 970? Any advice would be appreciated.

A jump from a...

I would go for a 980 graphics card if you got a good enough power supply


A jump from a 660sli to a 970 seems to give about 10 more frames. With the 660sli giving more frames occasionally in some scenarios. A 970 cost like $350

660sli vs 970
Source: Crysis 3
Source2: Battlefied 4

The jump from a 970 to a 980 is like a 10 fps difference. Not sure if it's worth even getting the 980 unless you have the money to spend. It's like $450-$600.

970 vs 980
Source: Witcher 3
Source2: Battlefied HardLine
Source 3: Fallout 4

So I guess theoretically you are looking up to around 20 extra fps if you upgrade to a 980. Cost: $450-$600.

For the CPU I am not sure what to say about it but here is a video I found regarding if you upgraded to a 6700k which requires a 1151 mobo skylake. Does not seem to make much of a difference upgrading your CPU.
6700k $359
1151 skylake motherboard $110-$200
DDR4 RAM 8GB about $60

i5-3570k vs i7-6700k
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- GTA 5

In a nutshell:
GPU upgrade: GTX 980: + 20 FPS Around $525
CPU upgrade: i7 6700k + mobo + DDR4RAM: +5 FPS Around $529
Or if you don't have one already you can get a 1TB SSD for like $450

In the end it all depends on your budget.

I hope this helped.


Thank you this is really helpful.