i've purchased a new pc with the following config-
p5n-e-sli + Q6600
4gb 667 dynet ram
xfx 8600gts 256mb
wd 250hdd..
whenever i try installing vista it hangs on ''Completing installation".i've tried updating the bios to 0608,changing gfx card and also tried with only one ram stick but no success.xp installs but freezes sometimes in games.help me its urgent.is it a ram problem??i dont think dynet is supported by this mobo?
p5n-e-sli + Q6600
4gb 667 dynet ram
xfx 8600gts 256mb
wd 250hdd..
whenever i try installing vista it hangs on ''Completing installation".i've tried updating the bios to 0608,changing gfx card and also tried with only one ram stick but no success.xp installs but freezes sometimes in games.help me its urgent.is it a ram problem??i dont think dynet is supported by this mobo?