Help: What Power Supply Do I need to run an EVGA GTX 650 Superclocked?

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Feb 2, 2013
Hello all,

I am planning to upgrade my pc's terrible integrated graphics with a mid-range GPU. After a lot of research (weeks) I decided to choose the EVGA GTX 650 Superclocked 1GB Edition which currently I can get for $99.99 as shown in the pic:

My question is: What Power Supply do I need to buy to run it?
I currently have a 400W Generic PSU that came with the case. It says 18A on the +12V rail so I don't know if that could run it at all. I'm trying to get a fairly cheap card that can run most modern games on around low-medium settings without using extra power. I just want to pop it in and have it running without any problems.

Please recommend any/all PSUs that can run it. Thanks.
Preferred sites would be newegg and amazon.
For a system using a single GeForce GTX 650 graphics card NVIDIA specifies a minimum of a 400 Watt or greater system power supply that has a maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current rating of 20 Amps or greater and that has at least one 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connector.

Total Power Supply Wattage is NOT the crucial factor in power supply selection!!! Total Combined Continuous Power/Current Available on the +12V Rail(s) rated at 45°C - 50°C ambient temperature, is the most important factor.

Overclocking of the CPU and/or GPU(s) will require an additional increase to the maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current ratings, recommended above, to meet the increase in power required for...
Well, it depends on the rest of your build. You could go ahead and try out to PSU you already have. I have a CX430 with an HD 7850 + i5-3570k and it's doing fine, and 650 it low power consumption as well. CX430 would be my recommendation, $25 ATM on Newegg.
For a system using a single GeForce GTX 650 graphics card NVIDIA specifies a minimum of a 400 Watt or greater system power supply that has a maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current rating of 20 Amps or greater and that has at least one 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connector.

Total Power Supply Wattage is NOT the crucial factor in power supply selection!!! Total Combined Continuous Power/Current Available on the +12V Rail(s) rated at 45°C - 50°C ambient temperature, is the most important factor.

Overclocking of the CPU and/or GPU(s) will require an additional increase to the maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current ratings, recommended above, to meet the increase in power required for the overclock. The additional amount required will depend on the magnitude of the overclock being attempted.

The Corsair Builder Series CX430 (SKU# 75-001666 / CP-9020046-NA), with its maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current rating of 32 Amps and with one (6+2)-pin PCI Express supplementary power connector, is way more than sufficient to power your system configuration with a single GeForce GTX 650 graphics card.

CORSAIR Builder Series CX430 430W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Active PFC Power Supply for $44.99 ($24.99 after $20.00 rebate card)

You can also get the semi-modular version for more money:

CORSAIR CX430M 430W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Modular Active PFC Power Supply for $49.99

Ok so what if later on I decided to get a second card for SLI? What PSU would I need for that then?

The GeForce GTX 650 doesn't support SLI mode.

If you're planning on changing to a different graphics card that can support SLI mode then please specify the model.

The 7750 is better than the GTX 650 Superclocked? Really? I may go for that then...
7770, and yes, the 7750 is on par with the 650, although I've heard the 7750 has more overclocking potential. Keep in mind it's a normal 650, not ti. The 7770 would definitely be a better choice than a 650 even superclocked.

They're all Radeon HD 7770 GHz edition cards.

For a system using two Radeon HD 7770 graphics cards in 2-way CrossFireX mode AMD specifies a minimum of a 600 Watt or greater system power supply. The power supply should also have a maximum combined +12 Volt continuous current rating of 30 Amps or greater and have at least two 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connectors.
With every set up in any way possible with that graphics card a safe bet is to use a 650watt especially if u wish to sli it doesn't need really anything to run that card it's more of a low power requirement card and don't worry what the manufacturer website says they alway recommend 550watt no matter the card
Ok so i've decided to wait for another month and then I'll buy a 7770 GHz edition card. Later on I may add a second one but for now it will suffice at my resolution monitor 1152 x 864

Thanks for all the suggestions and I may decide to take another deal if it comes up when i'm finished saving...most likely a gtx 560 ti or 650 ti.
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