Help! Windows Live Mail Installation No Longer Supported in Win10

This is the fate of the applications - at some points, companies decide that it is too much hassle supporting 10+ year old application.

Find a computer where WLM is still supported, and export your contacts. If you had Microsoft email (,, etc), there's a good chance your contacts are stored on Microsoft as well - just login to, and check there.

The now built in mail app should contain the contacts too once logged in.


Aug 26, 2012
Thanks for the replies folks. (I really didn't think anyone would answer)
But the problem is; I only keep my email contacts on my local drives. I prefer no cloud based email for these contacts. WLM only allows me to export those contacts in .CVS (comma separated values) or .VCF (business card) format. Neither of these is readable by any other email client I've tried, although they say they do .cvs... but fail to arrange it correctly.

I guess I'm going to have to learn a new email client and then hand-enter all my contacts into it.

Edit: Since Win 10 has a rudimentary email client included, I imagine Microsoft decided it was time to force users to sign on. That's another thing I prefer not to do; sign in to a Microsoft account.


Aug 26, 2012

I have been trying it out again thanks to your recommendation. Yes, it is much improved from the last time I tried using it. It might be the answer I'm looking for now that it has been improved. Like all things new, it will take some getting used to.
I did have to use a 3rd party add-on to import my .cvs address book however.
I think you'll like Thunderbird. I don't know why you had trouble with the address book. It imported my 414 contacts with no problem. I did have to click "View" and select the display option from the default, but other than that mine went without a hitch.


Aug 26, 2012

I couldn't find any way to import all my contacts at once. It only wanted to do them one contact at a time. Might be how WLM stored them. WLM stores each contact as an individual .cvs file. IDK