Help With A possible bottleneck in my current system


Aug 3, 2015
Hello, I recently upgraded to a titan x graphics card and I'm not really seeing the framerates in games I was expecting to see. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on benchmarks I should run to see if my system is bottlenecking or if there are any upgrade anyone can suggest that will help my system achieve higher framerates in games. Here is my current build Thanks in advance, any help is greatly appreciated.
there shouldnt be any bottlenecks on that system its pretty much as good as it gets for gaming.

what fps are you getting and what were you expecting to get.
if your running older game engines that support dx9,10,11 then install the relivant direct x distros. even if you already have dx11 installed you will be missing dome dlls from earlier versions that help improve older game stability and performance.

lastly check your ssd isnt causing it. it seems the evo 840 drives have an issue where they loose performance over time there is a fix explains whats happening and what you need to do if your drive is suffering degradation. the firmware and magician tool that applys the fix.

Ok sorry for the confusion. The evo actually just stores my operating system.. I have a 2tb caviar black drive and another 2566SSD that I put my games on. One of the games I'm playing right now thats really bugging me is ARK survival evolved. I am getting less than 10 FPS on that baby when I host a game. I know its early access so it may just be the game itself but it seems absurdly low. Today I put GTA5 on optimal settings through NVIDIA GEforce experience and ran the in game benchmark. Here are the results

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 22.525723, 49.662842, 40.248627
Pass 1, 17.360743, 31.927370, 24.109367
Pass 2, 28.861740, 56.289124, 39.767265
Pass 3, 27.742079, 61.534332, 47.194393
Pass 4, 12.474105, 93.681221, 43.850082

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 20.135778, 44.393692, 24.845568
Pass 1, 31.321089, 57.601223, 41.477654
Pass 2, 17.765421, 34.647945, 25.146311
Pass 3, 16.251091, 36.046326, 21.188957
Pass 4, 10.674498, 80.166069, 22.804974

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 0/379 frames (0.00%)
Pass 1: 0/225 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 0/365 frames (0.00%)
Pass 3: 0/437 frames (0.00%)
Pass 4: 319/4834 frames (6.60%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 377/379 frames (99.47%)
Pass 1: 5/225 frames (2.22%)
Pass 2: 341/365 frames (93.42%)
Pass 3: 434/437 frames (99.31%)
Pass 4: 4669/4834 frames (96.59%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 25.00
75%, 26.00
80%, 26.00
85%, 26.00
90%, 27.00
91%, 27.00
92%, 27.00
93%, 28.00
94%, 28.00
95%, 28.00
96%, 28.00
97%, 29.00
98%, 30.00
99%, 31.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 42.00
75%, 45.00
80%, 45.00
85%, 47.00
90%, 48.00
91%, 48.00
92%, 49.00
93%, 49.00
94%, 50.00
95%, 50.00
96%, 51.00
97%, 51.00
98%, 53.00
99%, 54.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 24.00
75%, 31.00
80%, 31.00
85%, 31.00
90%, 32.00
91%, 32.00
92%, 32.00
93%, 32.00
94%, 33.00
95%, 33.00
96%, 33.00
97%, 33.00
98%, 33.00
99%, 34.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 20.00
75%, 23.00
80%, 24.00
85%, 26.00
90%, 27.00
91%, 27.00
92%, 27.00
93%, 27.00
94%, 28.00
95%, 28.00
96%, 28.00
97%, 29.00
98%, 29.00
99%, 31.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 24.00
75%, 27.00
80%, 28.00
85%, 29.00
90%, 30.00
91%, 30.00
92%, 31.00
93%, 31.00
94%, 31.00
95%, 32.00
96%, 32.00
97%, 33.00
98%, 34.00
99%, 35.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X, 12768MB, Driver Version 353.30
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x17c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 60Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
SamplingMode: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000
Alright I downloaded the tool cleaned everything and reinstalled. Here are the new benchmark results

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 17.345045, 37.277370, 30.110218
Pass 1, 18.638178, 45.688183, 31.335117
Pass 2, 24.780985, 61.628639, 42.278732
Pass 3, 35.648094, 78.154854, 53.745758
Pass 4, 11.428986, 113.813454, 47.867481

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 26.825926, 57.653351, 33.211319
Pass 1, 21.887497, 53.653313, 31.913076
Pass 2, 16.226223, 40.353519, 23.652554
Pass 3, 12.795111, 28.051991, 18.606119
Pass 4, 8.786307, 87.496826, 20.891010

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 0/282 frames (0.00%)
Pass 1: 0/283 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 0/385 frames (0.00%)
Pass 3: 61/499 frames (12.22%)
Pass 4: 1057/5018 frames (21.06%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 129/282 frames (45.74%)
Pass 1: 176/283 frames (62.19%)
Pass 2: 368/385 frames (95.58%)
Pass 3: 499/499 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 4674/5018 frames (93.14%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 33.00
75%, 35.00
80%, 35.00
85%, 36.00
90%, 37.00
91%, 37.00
92%, 38.00
93%, 38.00
94%, 39.00
95%, 39.00
96%, 39.00
97%, 40.00
98%, 41.00
99%, 42.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 31.00
75%, 39.00
80%, 41.00
85%, 43.00
90%, 45.00
91%, 46.00
92%, 46.00
93%, 46.00
94%, 46.00
95%, 47.00
96%, 48.00
97%, 49.00
98%, 49.00
99%, 52.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 23.00
75%, 29.00
80%, 30.00
85%, 30.00
90%, 31.00
91%, 31.00
92%, 31.00
93%, 32.00
94%, 32.00
95%, 32.00
96%, 33.00
97%, 33.00
98%, 34.00
99%, 35.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 18.00
75%, 20.00
80%, 21.00
85%, 22.00
90%, 22.00
91%, 23.00
92%, 23.00
93%, 23.00
94%, 24.00
95%, 24.00
96%, 24.00
97%, 25.00
98%, 26.00
99%, 26.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 23.00
75%, 26.00
80%, 27.00
85%, 28.00
90%, 30.00
91%, 31.00
92%, 31.00
93%, 32.00
94%, 34.00
95%, 36.00
96%, 41.00
97%, 45.00
98%, 48.00
99%, 52.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X, 12768MB, Driver Version 353.62
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x17c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 60Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
SamplingMode: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

Did not really see any huge increases. Oh well thanks for your help anyways. Any other ideas? Would faster ram help my system?