So I was looking to get a different GPU. I currently have a GeForce GTX 760, but I was looking at some AMD graphics cards and was looking at my motherboard, and saw that it supports dual graphics for AMD cards. (my motherboard: So I was looking at the electronics store that's closest to me and I saw some AMD GPUs that I thought would be good for dual graphics-if they're compatible. I saw on the motherboards website that it supports the AMD Radeon 7870 ( I was wondering if that GPU or this other one that I saw-AMD Radeon CORE HD 7750 (, would work with dual graphics. If anyone knows please respond. Thank you for reading this novel.
P.S. If you know that if they are compatible and it would be worse than what I have currently in the long run. please tell so I don't have to go through the trouble of returning both of them if I am not satisfied with their performance. Thanks again.
P.S. If you know that if they are compatible and it would be worse than what I have currently in the long run. please tell so I don't have to go through the trouble of returning both of them if I am not satisfied with their performance. Thanks again.