When playing music on my computer the sound skip's, stutters and pauses. I have these symptoms when playing a
CD as well as MP3 files . I tried different players but all have the same result. I thought it was my Anti Virus, but
when disabled it symptoms still occur. When I exit all applications with the exception of the software playing the
file it's much better and skipping, stuttering and pauses are almost non existent but still happens.
I now disabled the sound card and went to onboard sound, and a half hour in it's working flawlessly. Is this a bad sound card? Please Help!
OS: Windows Professional
Processor: Processor 3.20 gigahertz Intel Celeron
RAM: 2048 MB
Hard Disk 1TB of which 15GB is used
Sound Card: Sound Blaster Audigy-Model Number SB0570
CD as well as MP3 files . I tried different players but all have the same result. I thought it was my Anti Virus, but
when disabled it symptoms still occur. When I exit all applications with the exception of the software playing the
file it's much better and skipping, stuttering and pauses are almost non existent but still happens.
I now disabled the sound card and went to onboard sound, and a half hour in it's working flawlessly. Is this a bad sound card? Please Help!
OS: Windows Professional
Processor: Processor 3.20 gigahertz Intel Celeron
RAM: 2048 MB
Hard Disk 1TB of which 15GB is used
Sound Card: Sound Blaster Audigy-Model Number SB0570