Question Help with build


Jun 27, 2019
Ok, so I'm fairly new to this whole pc building, when I say "new" I don't mean completely I just never had to put a pc together although I know all the parts. so I bought mt pc pre-built from micro center and I feel its time for an upgrade

Currently (post-upgrade)my pc stands with
Mobo: ASRock - b250m-HDV Micro ATX LGA1151
CPU: I5 - 7300 3.4 GHz
GPU: 1050TI
RAM: 8gb
PSU: some 400w PSU don't know the brand

My plan is to upgrade my PSU and GPU and RAM and add an SSD

So after the upgrade, it'll be
Mobo: ASRock - b250m-HDV Micro ATX LGA1151
CPU: I5 - 7300 3.4 GHz
GPU: EVGA GeForce RTX 2060 XC Gaming 6GB GDDR6
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB)
PSU: (need help here) EVGA 500 W1, 80+ WHITE 500W? (I've heard stories of this frying PCs whole and I want to avoid that at all cost as I wouldn't have money to replace an almost $400 dollar GPU let alone an entire pc)

So my Main concerns are can all that go together? (PC part picker says yes but also get a second opinion) and is that PSU enough/good enough to power my pc and not turn it into a grill?