Help with building new PC!


Aug 5, 2015
Hello guys, I am building new PC for my sister, we already got list of all components and we want to be sure that:

*They are compatible with each other.
*500W PSU will handle all this.
*It all will fit in case.
*Motherboard will have space for all components.

Here's the list of components:
CPU: Intel Core i7 6700K.
RAM: Kingston HyperX Savage PC4-21300 2800MHz 8GB.
MB: Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3P.
SSD: Samsung 850 Evo 500GB.
Case: Zalman ZM-T4.
Monitor: BenQ GL2250.
VGA: GTX 560.

Here are links to those components if needed more info:

NOTE: We already got Graphic Card, but you can suggest better components for our build.

NOTE2: PC is being built for little bit of playing games but mostly to edit videos, use photoshop, premiere, after effects and all that stuff for media lovers.

NOTE3: All this costs ~895 eur. Our budget is 1000 eur. Keep that in mind when suggesting something new 😛 Thanks! ^^

I see alot of problems here. And the very first one is that PSU/CASE combo. Then it's the GPU. So i have a few questions. Which psu is it exactly? Do you need graphical acceleration?(for graphics rendering and what not). And can i suggest to you a build of my own, if you do not have the parts already?

PSU isn't the newest one, and I am not sure what is it 😀 I can take picture of it if you want to.
But as it says on itself...

ORDI 500W Power Supply 2.2 Version (24pin 12V+12V+SATA cable).

Also I changed case as it's out of one is Zalman ZM-T4.

What's Graphical Acceleration? I'm not very good with Pc's sorry 😛

And yeah, sure, but keep in mind that we got GTX 560 already, and can't buy new one 😛

Here is what i Propose, you get a new system entirely. That PSU is going to cause problems. Some programs Require a good gpu for certain types of rendering. So you need a new GPU and for that a new PSU. This goes slightly over the budget, but it is a killer machine. :-Standard monitor. 92.5 :- Beast 6700k 381 :- The 6700k does not come with a stock cooler and for overclocking you're going to require a beefy one. 40.5 :- Micro ATX motherboard, quite sure this will suit all your needs. 127.5 :- A 750ti, has quite a few cuda cores, performs very well at 1080p and will come in very handy for gpu intensive applications. 140 :- Get 2 of these 56 (Ram can be upgraded later) :- 240GB is more than enough for you OS and applications. this is the best price to performance ratio and i chose this because it will handle your OS and most basic applications. 95.5 (can be upgraded later) :- Best HDD ever IMO. 53.5 (can be upgraded later) :- Best power supply for the price, will handle all your needs. 92
Grand total of 1078.5
This PC will last you a very long time. I guarantee it. It's a fresh PSU, fresh GPU, alot of room for Hard drive/ssd and ram upgrades.
``NOTE2: PC is being built for little bit of playing games but mostly to edit videos, use photoshop, premiere, after effects and all that stuff for media lovers.``

you will need a very very good psu like seasonic/xfx/antec hcg-truepower-edge/evga b2-g2-gs

and Gigabyte GA-Z170-HD3P is a bad choice get the ud3 series instead or asus z170 pro gaming

your gpu is a bit out of date for video editing , a good gtx 960 is the minimum above all for after effect application


What will I do with my GTX 560 and PSU? Our whole plan was getting old Graphic card into new PC, sister isn't planning on playing Witcher 3 or something, she only plays some flash games and maybe sometimes old game called Zoo Tycoon. Is this GTX 750Ti really necessary? 😛
And are you sure all those components you listed will do good between each other? (Also thanks for linking them on my fav website 😀 )

Yes, the 750ti will be a requirement for the rendering in some applications. You can sell the GPU and PSU and use the money to get the system 😀 This is probably the best you will get in this budget. All those components are compatible

Well, can I do so that...
I will buy all from your listed components except VGA and PSU and will try it all out, if we wont like something then we will buy that GTX 750Ti and new PSU.

Will that work? I mean GTX 560 will fit this built with your components jsut to try it out right? 😀

It will work, but i wouldn't run all of those new components on an old cheap power supply. There is a risk of it all shorting out if the PSU is old and bad, that's why. Better to buy a PSU for 65 than to lose all 1000 worth your components

Okay, I will buy new PSU as you say 😀 If will need better graphic card we'll buy it also ^^
BTW you do any stuff with media things? Like video editing or photoshopping? I mean, how you know if those components are good for that stuff? 😛

btw, this old PSU handled GTX 560 and i7 3770K 😛

I am a video editor/gamer and i test systems for a living :- THE BEST JOB.

Oh, you're really lucky 😀 Wish I could get something like that. Well thanks, we will try all out :)